Most of these conditions can be positively influenced by massage in general. The massage therapist’s training and experience levels are important factors to consider especially when dealing with more specific and complex issues.
- arthritis
- baby massage
- back pain
- bursitis
- cancer
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- cerebral palsy
- child massage
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronic edema
- chronic pain
- compression syndromes
- contusions
- contractures
- cramps
- depression/grieving process
- degenerative disc disease
- diabetes
- digestive complaints/ constipation
- dislocations
- Dupuytrens’ contracture
- dysmennorhea
- edema
- emphysema
- fibromyalgia/ chronic fatigue
- fibrositic breast pain, breast injuries, congestion and swelling
- fibrositis and fibrosis
- foot/ plantar fascitis/ pes planus – flat foot fractures
- frozen shoulder
- gout
- headaches, migraines
- herniated disc
- hypertension
- iliotibial band contracture
- insomnia
- jaw pain/TMJ
- knee injury
- low Back Pain
- lymphatic disorders
- mesothelioma
- multiple sclerosis
- muscle spasms, strain rehabilitation
- muscular dystrophy
- neck pain, torticollis
- neuralgia, neuritis
- osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
- osteoporosis
- palliative care
- paralysis
- parkinsons
- plantar fascitis
- poliomyelitis & post polio syndrome
- postural disorders, scoliosis
- pregnancy discomforts, pre and post natal
- pre/post-surgical and post-injury rehabilitation
- period pain/ dysmenorrhea
- prevention/lessening of fibrosis
- Raynaud’s syndrome
- relaxation
- relief of pain
- repetitive strain injuries
- respiratory problems – allergies asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
- scars
- sciatica, radiating pain
- sports injuries
- sprains/strains, ligament and joint athletic injuries
- stiff joints
- stress related disorders
- tendonitis, bursitis, neuritis
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- whiplash disorders