Massage Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s can be a severely debilitating disease. Parkinson’s disease affects a person’s voluntary motor skills and creates stiff and rigid muscles. The most unfortunate part of Parkinson’s disease is that there is no cure. Patients experiencing Parkinson’s disease usually endure much experimentation with medication to find proper dosing and try various other treatments as they seek some form of pain and other symptom relief. Massage therapy can help decrease muscle stiffness and rigidity, and be an effective form of alleviating pain for those with Parkinson’s disease.

Those seeking massage therapy to relieve their Parkinson’s disease pain must remember that massage is not a cure-all for the disease. Massage therapy is a valuable resource and option to consider, and it can provide an effective antidote to many of the symptoms you experience with Parkinson’s disease.

Receiving massage therapy treatments for Parkinson’s could help to decrease the need for pain medications and antidepressants. Make sure to notify your primary physician before going to a certified massage therapist for treatment. Your physician and massage therapist can then work together to figure out what is best for your specific constitution and circumstances.

When massage therapists treat complications of Parkinson’s disease they utilize massage techniques that involve gentle pressure and much repetition. By doing this, massage therapists can relax the muscle tremors those with Parkinson’s experience.

Contact your local certified massage therapist today to find out about massage therapy for Parkinson’s disease!

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