Massage is Great for Anxiety

massage for anxietyMassage is calming, relaxing and therapeutic. It can de-stress the mind and allow the body to function properly. Massage is a great remedy for anxiety, It’s relaxing and soothing properties allow you to re-sync your brain and body. Whether you have just been feeling anxious lately, or suffer from general anxiety disorder, massage can get you back into gear and have you feeling great again. Here are five good reasons why massage is great for anxiety.

encourages better Sleep

Massage promotes better sleep. The soothing effects and properties of massage can lead to a more peaceful and calming night’s sleep. Anxiety can cause restlessness and getting increased and improved sleep is a direct way to fend it off.

Soothes your Muscles 

Massage relaxes the muscles. Anxiety and depression tend to tighten up the muscles, adding to the uneasiness and stress you may experience with both of these mental conditions. Massage can smooth out and relieve the aches and pains in your physical body, and promote deep relaxation throughout.

Relaxes Your Mind

We know that massage relaxes the body, but the same goes for the mind. The technique and art of massage can calm the mind and promote refreshing mental relaxation. The constant worries of your day can end if you choose to get a massage to help you cope with anxiety. To those with anxiety, achieving mental relaxation may seem impossible, but after you try massage, you will realize it is far from impossible.

Balances Hormones

Research has been shown and suggested that massage therapy could indeed help balance neurotransmitters, which could lower the production of certain stress hormones. Scientists have determined that massage targets specific neurotransmitters and activates them. Once these neurotransmitters are turned on, stress hormones decrease. This is a huge discovery for those experiencing anxiety-related issues, and massage shows promising results as an antidote for these erratic hormones that cause stress.

Reduces Stress

Massage reduces stress, a well-known fact. The key to reducing stress is to achieve both mental and physical relaxation. As stated, massage calms and soothes the body both physically and mentally. So help yourself out and consider investing in massage therapy in order to end the stress and irritation associated with your anxiety.


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