Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a great way to restore motion to the body. The term myofascial is a combination of “myo” meaning “muscle” and “fascia” – the soft tissue between your skin and muscle, and surrounding and infusing into the muscles. This soft tissue tends to bunch up and tighten frequently, causing it to lose it pliability, and is usually one of the main reasons our bodies experience stiffness and tension. By massaging the body’s myofascial connective tissues, the therapist can relieve pain from many sources, and restore better range of motion.

Typically, myofascial release treatment is performed without oils, and features direct-to-skin contact.  Using sustained pressure, along with slight stretch, directly onto the skin increases blood flow to the cells, speeds up the process of waste removal, and helps to bring motility back to these stagnant areas of your body.

Myofascial release is especially great for those who have experienced physical or emotional trauma from accidents, those experiencing chronic pain or lingering sports injuries, and where scarring or inflammation is present.

It’s important to keep in mind, as with all massage therapy treatment, you should get myofascial release from a licensed massage practitioner. This healing modality is best performed in the hands of someone trained to give treatment.

Myofascial release may just be the right treatment for your body at certain times. Ask about myofascial release treatment today, and find out if it is the right type of massage therapy treatment for you.  

Massage is supposed to make you feel good and put your body on the path to recovery. If you have any general questions regarding massage therapy, or myofascial release in particular, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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