Musculo-skeletal pain

The Text Neck Epidemic

Too much texting may be more than just a compulsive distraction.

New research suggests that constantly tilting your head to look down at a smartphone may result in severe neck strain. The human head generally weighs from 10 to 12 pounds, but back surgeon Kenneth Hansraj wanted to measure the variations in the amount of force exerted on the spine as the head bends forward.   Using computer models, he found that a head bowed at a 15-degree angle adds roughly 27 pounds of pressure on the spine. But when the angle increases to 60 degrees – a typical angle at which an upright person would look at a phone in his hand – that strain surges to 60 pounds, or roughly the weight of four bowling balls. The extra strain can cause neck cramps, pinched nerves, herniated discs, and early degeneration of the spine. “The problem is really profound in young people,”

Hansraj tells Washington “Just look around you – everyone has their heads down.”                        (The WEEK December 5, 2014)

Massage and neuromuscular therapy strategies to release neck, head and shoulder muscles can bring the head back to normal alignment over the trunk and thereby alleviate much of the pain associated with “Text Neck”.

Massage to Improve Sleep & Reduce Stress

Massage therapy has been shown to reduce the symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. It’s excellent for reducing insomnia, and has been shown to improve both the ability to fall asleep and the duration of sleep, allowing for otherwise anxious individuals to rest. The lack of ability to sleep plays a key role in the development and exacerbation of these conditions and creates a downward spiral of despair. By interrupting the insomnia cycle, massage can play a huge role in reducing emotion-based conditions.


Benefits of Massage Therapy for a Pulled Muscle

A pulled muscle, or muscle strain, is among the most common types of injuries sustained by athletes and bodybuilders. It’s characterized by the physical tearing (full or partial) of muscle fibers and/or its connected tendons, usually occurring during a strenuous activity. While most pulled muscles will heal on their own without the need for professional medical assistance, seeking massage therapy can speed up the healing process.

Before we reveal the healing power of massage therapy, let’s first discuss the signs and symptoms of a pulled muscle. While no cases are the same, some of the most commonly reported symptoms of a pulled muscle include throbbing pain, swelling, redness, weakness, and/or limited mobility. continue reading »

Top 5 Reasons to Consider Massage Therapy

physio-1778029_640Lowers Stress Levels

Feeling overly stressed about your job, relationships, finances, or health? If so, you may want to consider massage therapy. This treatment has been shown to have an almost immediate benefit on stress levels, relieving stress and anxiety while encouraging greater relaxation.

Improves Muscle Recovery

Another common reason why people seek massage therapy is to improve muscle recovery. When you lift weights or perform other high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises, it creates small tears in muscle fiber, which is essentially why you feel sore afterwards. When the muscle is massaged, it stimulates blood flow to the region, allowing it to heal in less time. And when your muscle tissue heals in less time, you can get back in the gym rather than sitting around the house. continue reading »

Massage and Regional Pain Syndrome

171-can-massage-therapy-offer-relief-of-regional-pain-syndromeRegional pain syndrome, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is a chronic condition that’s characterized by long-lasting severe pain, swelling, and discoloration of the skin. In some cases, it may only affect a limb, but roughly a third of people who suffer from this disease report symptoms throughout their body. Whether you suffer from localized symptoms or whole-body symptoms, you can find relief through massage therapy.

Causes of Regional Pain Syndrome

Doctors and medical experts continue to debate over what exactly causes regional pain syndrome. With that said, the general belief is that it’s a type of central nervous system disorder that’s often triggered by surgeries and/or injuries. continue reading »

Pressure Point Massage Therapy

There are dozens of different types of massage therapy, each of which has its own purpose and unique characteristics. However, among the most effective forms of massage therapy for pain relief is pressure point. Whether you suffer from occasional or chronic pain, you should consider pressure point massage therapy. It’s a safe and effective way to relieve pain while improving circulation throughout the body. continue reading »

Massage Therapy for Bulging Disc

161 - Massage Therapy for Bulging DiscBulging disc (also known as a slipped disc or disc herniation) is a common condition in which one or more vertebral discs protrude into the spinal column, compressing the nerves and causing pain, discomfort, limited mobility, and other unwanted symptoms. The good news is that most minor cases of bulging discs heal within just a couple weeks. The bad news, however, is that some of the more severe cases may persist indefinitely, becoming progressively worse without treatment. continue reading »

Benefits of After-Workout Massage Therapy

abdominal-1203880_640While many people seek massage for its relaxing benefits, it can also prove useful as a post-workout remedy – whether you exercise moderately or if you do heavy-duty bodybuilding, or work out at any level along the spectrum. To learn more about massage therapy and the benefits it offers after working out, keep reading.

Reduces Inflammation

When you work out – particularly with strength training exercises – your muscles become inflamed. This is a direct response to the stress the muscles undertake while working out.  Massage therapy has been proven to reduce inflammation associated with exercise.

“What massage seems to do is … it reduces the inflammatory response as a function of the damage you incurred while you’re exercising,” said Simon Melov, a molecular biologist at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. continue reading »

The Effects of Muscle Tension and How Massage Can Help

massage-1015568_640Many people brush off muscle tension as being nothing more than the body’s response to stress, assuming it has no real impact on their health. But the truth is that muscle tension, especially chronic cases that persist for weeks or months on end, can affect the body in more ways than just one. continue reading »

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Office Workers

office_workers_400Does your job require you sit at a desk for all or most of the workday? It is not uncommon for those with desk jobs to experience chronic back pain, circulation problems and other issues that can arise from sitting on a computer 40 hours a week. If you are dealing with chronic pain, don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Fortunately, massage therapy is an excellent way to relieve pain, improve posture and get you back on the road to better health. continue reading »